Regular Brushing
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Here you will find all the tools you need when you regularly brush your dog, which should be weekly!
Yes that is right weekly - at least - even if your babe is only a short haired little one a regular groom will help keep the skin and coat healthy, stimulate blood flow to the top skin layers and is a great bonding time for you and your babe. If you four leg has really thick hair or a long coat then they may need it a little more regular even a light comb in those bad spots (yes you know the ones - behind the ears, under elbows and rumps) every couple days will make a huge difference to your babes upkeep!
Making sure you get the right brush is important -
Too hard and your babe will hate groming time,
Too soft and it will only be touching the surface coat not underneath
Just right - and you and your four leg will benefit so much from this time together!