About Us

Here at Dog Essentials we specialise in Dog products - EVERYTHING FOR YOUR DOG !
What are we about - quite simply DOGS!
We are all a little dog crazy here and to us that is the norm! The Dog Essentials Team is always ready to talk canine and if there is something we don't have we will do our best to help you find it!
Dog Essentials originally started out in 2005, firstly as an idea and a little website and gradually Dog Essentials grew and developed. In 2006 we moved to a little shop in Springwood and regularly attending the Durack Dog Shows. As our customers grew and we grew with them in 2007 we moved into a warehouse location! We also managed to lure Grace (aka mum) into the business with us - it wasn't too hard with a new little grandson to add to the mix of why we needed her!
Dog Essentials continued to grow and develop prompted by our customers demands. We can be found at the Dogs QLd showgrounds at Durack or at the retail showroom in Shailer Park (which is open Monday to Friday 9 to 4.)
Dog Essentials is looking forward to the next stage and we are also looking forward to growing with you, our customers.
Thanks and I hope you have a great day!